Category: Ideas

Book Review: The Network is Your Customer – 5 Strategies to Thrive in a Digital Age

May 3, 2011 Off

Book Review: The Network is Your Customer – 5 Strategies to Thrive in a Digital Age by David L. Rogers (@David_Rogers ) When I first picked up this book by David Rogers, (a professor at Columbia Business School), I thought it was yet another introduction to social communication technologies for wary corporate managers. Boy, was…

By Eric Jensen

Generosity is the Emotion, Content is the Currency

April 4, 2011 Off

Creating Effective Social Media Engagement: Generosity is the Emotion, Content is the Currency Authentic, trusting relationships are fueled by generosity and empathy. While online networks can seem abstract compared to connections in the ‘real world’, the same principles hold true. Web 2.0 is a conversational environment, not a broadcast channel. This is still confusing for…

By Eric Jensen

Are music consumers stepping on us?

February 25, 2011 Off

From today’s Digital Music News: Are Music Consumers Stepping On Us? That was the question posed on Thursday by NPD analyst Russ Crupnick at Digital Music Forum East in Manhattan. “Consumers are flipping us the bird,” Crupnick declared while trotting through slide-after-slide of distressing data. Exhibit A? Crupnick listed a litany of concessions and pro-consumer…

By Eric Jensen

When It Can’t Be Done, Do It…

January 18, 2011 Off

“A new idea can be either unfamiliar, silly, or both. It can’t be judged by description. It needs to be done (made) to exist. It is unlikely that anyone will sanction the cost of something they don’t understand. Therefore, you have no choice but to do it yourself. At whatever cost.” “Being right is based…

By Eric Jensen